Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Zombie Insect - Walking Dead Insect

Couple of year ago this video went viral where we can see a dead insect ( Cockchafer Beetle ) with hollow body is walking just like as if it is alive. Though many reasons were provided by netizens that time but the actual reason is that neuro parasite or mind controlling fungus has taken control of the brain of this dead bug and is making it to walk. So Yes! , its a Zombie bug or Zombie insect . It is dead but is still walking .

First this video was posted on reddit at following link

then there were several uploads with explanations , one of the explanation video is 

neuro parasite, parasite, zombie, insect, dead insect, dead insect walking, cockchafer, cockchafer beetle, video, viral, viral video, zombie bug, bug, insect walking dead, walking dead, fungus, beetle

neuro parasite , parasite , zombie , insect , dead insect , dead insect walking , cockchafer , cockchafer beetle , video , viral , viral video , zombie bug , bug , insect walking dead , walking dead , fungus , beetle

#Zombie #ZombieInsect #WalkingDead