Friday, September 9, 2022

Cops getting scared after hearing spooky scream from Cemetery

Cops getting scared after hearing spooky scream from Cemetery

In these two different video clips we can see cops getting scared and running for their life after hearing a similar strange and spooky scream from Graveyard ( Cemetery ) .
In both incidents, Police got complaint from people that they are hearing strange screams and noise from Cemetery. These patrolling officers were dispatched to the complaint and when they were walking towards Cemetery they heard this scream and they start running like frightened children. In both cases the camera on vehicle recorded the video.

cops , scared , frightened , police officers , officers , cemetery , graveyard , scream night , noise , torch , police , fear , clip , video , footage , viral , funny , run , I didn't sign up for this , patrolling

#Cops #Scared #ScaredCops

cops, scared, frightened, police officers, officers, cemetery, graveyard, scream night, noise, torch, police, fear, clip, video , footage, viral, funny, run, I didn't sign up for this, patrolling