Monday, January 18, 2016

Clairvoyant Fail (Exposed/Busted) with English Subtitles

Here is a funny and epic interview (conversation) of a self proclaimed Clairvoyant with a very clever Anchor (Groland, a french satiric show). Its in French but English subtitles are provided, and here is the text communication in between them in English.

Anchor: So, you are a clairvoyant? You can foresee the future?
Clairvoyant: Yes, I can see the future!
Anchor: And this? Huh? Did you see that coming?

Anchor to viewers/audience: As you can see, it doesn't take much to expose a liar!

Clairvoyant, Clairvoyance, Future, Supernatural, Foresee the Future, Clairvoyant Fail, Slap, Slapped, Expose, Busted, Liar, English Subtitles, Conversation, Video, Groland, French

Clairvoyant, Clairvoyance, Future, Supernatural, Foresee the Future, Clairvoyant Fail, Slap, Slapped, Expose, Busted, Liar, English Subtitles, Conversation, Video, Groland, French

Clairvoyant, Clairvoyance, Future, Supernatural, Foresee the Future, Clairvoyant Fail, Slap, Slapped, Expose, Busted, Liar, English Subtitles, Conversation, Video, Groland, French

Clairvoyant, Clairvoyance, Future, Supernatural, Foresee the Future, Clairvoyant Fail, Slap, Slapped, Expose, Busted, Liar, English Subtitles, Conversation, Video, Groland, French

Clairvoyant, Clairvoyance, Future, Supernatural, Foresee the Future, Clairvoyant Fail, Slap, Slapped, Expose, Busted, Liar, English Subtitles, Conversation, Video, Groland, French

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